Feh lucia builds. Strong Offensive Statline. Feh lucia builds

Strong Offensive StatlineFeh lucia builds  Neutral

Lucius was one of the first healers introduced into Fire Emblem Heroes via a banner, and while he existed for a long time in colorless pitybreaker hell, he’s actually one of the best (if not the best) offensive infantry healers. Lucia prevents changes to attack priority (desperation/vantage) and Nanna will very likely miss a OHKO while definitely getting OHKO'd in retaliation. Also the followup supression is incredible too. There are 2 builds that people who use Lucia will typically use, those being: Vital Astra Lucia And. At start of combat, if unit's HP ≥ 25%, grants Atk/Spd/Def/Res+5 during combat, deals damage = 20% of unit's Spd (excluding area-of-effect Specials), and reduces damage from attacks during combat by 30% (excluding area-of-effect Specials). Use the information available here to build the best team possible. Lucina is able to be. Base. LoL Patch 13. ☆ Free Units - Alear (M), Zephia. . She had a. Brave Ephraim Skills at 5★. Use this page to see ratings for all units, and search by stats, weapons, or movement type! Summon Categories. 14. While this also makes her a master of none, she’s able to be a well-rounded addition to a team and can fill most roles tasked to her. In combination with Spear of Shadow’s -5 Atk/Spd/Def infliction on the enemy if either of its conditions are met, Kris’ physical bulk rises to 74, along with making it more difficult to perform a follow-up attack against her. The best IVs for Flame Tribe Lyn are +Spd and -Res. 4. Spring Lucina builds? Fire Emblem Heroes Android . People that support the decision to give most of the focus to a selected few at the expense of every other one, it. 110 / 100 / 90 / 90 / 90. Doing this is a waste of resources with terrible returns. Don't sacrifice Scathach for Odd Def Wave 3. Tiki (Adult) Tiki (Young) Tobin. Lucia seems pretty overblown. iOS (iPhone/iPad) Log In to add custom notes to this or any other game. . Learn more about Valentine’s Lucina’s IVs, Stats at Lv 40, Roles, Strengths, and Weaknesses and more. Contrary to her carefree personality, the Goneril noble packs quite a punch with her Atk/Spd combination of 37/37 — a rather potent baseline that actually remains pretty competitive despite her age and becomes further highlighted by her access to the maximum amount 20 Dragonflowers. Both Smite and Shove make for. Last updated on: 02/06/2023 3:43 AM. Read on to learn the best IVs (Individual Values), best builds (Inherit Skill), weapon refinement, stats at Lv 40, and more for Alear (M). With so many heroes, you might think that a FEH tier list should be easy to determine - but given that all the heroes (okay - maybe not all, but most) are good for a specific task, then you'll understand why there are so many different tiers. Vital Astra. Boosts damage dealt by 50%. Lyn’s weapon of choice for the Flame Festival is Firelight Lance, her potent personal weapon. Fire Emblem Heroes has a New Heroes Banner from Fire Emblem Radiant Dawn where you can summon Ascended Elincia, Lucia, Geoffrey, Bastian & Ludveck. Like, why not an Ideal A slot and Assault Troop in C Slot. What you need to do is inherit Killing Edge onto her and then you’ll have a chance against the likes of GLR Laslow and other godswords. Camilla is a unit with moderately balanced stats, allowing her to be something of a jack-of-all-trades. Although having the lowest BST of all the healers, Clarine sports the highest base SPD, 3 movement (cavalry,) and good defenses. Her original version carried me in my first account on release. This month in Hall of Forms in Fire Emblem Heroes we have Igrene, Guinivere, Spring Fir & Spring Narcian. Build. Read on to learn the best IVs (Individual Values), best builds (Inherit Skill), weapon refinement, stats at Lv 40, and more for Ascended Fjorm. We recommend you acquire Dazzling Shift and Light's Restraint using one copy of Ascended Elincia by inheriting Dazzling Staff 3 first. 10. Only the worthy can wield such a powerful weapon, and the War God is definitely worthy. List of Source Heroes. Lucina as she appears in Super Smash Bros. As an Avatar, their name and appearance are customizable by the player. Weapon: Astral Breath Assist: Rally Def/Res+ / Rally Atk/Def+ Special: Moonbow / Blue Flame Passive A: Fort. See more11. If unit's Special is ready and unit's Spd > foe's Sod, reduces damage from area-of-effect Specials by percentage = difference between stats x 3 (max 30%). List of Source Heroes. Counters. When total bonuses on unit + total penalties on foe ≥ 10, inflicts Atk/Spd/Def/Res-5 on foe during combat. Slot: B. 2 5* Alms (+Atk -Hp) (+Atk -Def) 1 5* Caeda+1 (+Spd -Hp) 1 4* Raven+3 (+Atk -Hp) 1 5* Felicia+5 (+Atk -Def) 1 4* Felicia (+Spd -Def) I also recently pulled 5* LA!Lilina (+Def -Hp) 5* LA!Hector (+Def -Res). Lucina in her Bride costume in Fire Emblem Warriors. Healing specials base their healing off the direct damage dealt to opponents, meaning. 4 Legendary Veronica. With an impressive Resistance stat of 35 and decent Attack and Speed for a healer (32/30 respectively), he comes. At start of combat, if unit's HP ≥ 25%, grants Atk/Spd/Def/Res+5 during combat, deals damage = 20% of unit's Spd (excluding area-of-effect Specials), and reduces damage. This is a ratings and ranking page for the hero Corrin - Fateful Prince in Fire Emblem Heroes (FEH). Read on to learn the best IVs (Individual Values), best builds (Inherit Skill), weapon refinement, stats at Lv 40, and more for Flavia. ★ Latest Banner - Rearmed Eitr & Rearmed Alcryst. Now Playing. Cheats. HP: Celica’s HP of 39 is actually quite high for a mage. 1 Bridal Charlotte 2 Legendary Julia 3 Legendary Azura 4 Legendary Veronica 5 Heiðr (Unit) 6 Fallen Robin (M) 7 Scáthach 8 Edelgard 9 Young Hector 10 Valentine's Alm See All. This is a ranking page for the Hero Ike: Young Mercenary (Resplendent Ike) from the game Fire Emblem Heroes (FEH). I wanted to refresh myself a bit on python and since the fehstuff builder is a bit abandoned I decided to attempt making an alternative. As a unit, she is an offensive Staff flying unit capable of defeating foes with her large Atk. In order for us to make the best articles possible, share your corrections, opinions, and thoughts about 「Unbound Axe+: Best Fodder, Best Units to Inherit | Fire Emblem Heroes (FEH)」 with us!. Support all languages available in the game. Excellent statline. The best IVs for Roy are +Spd and -HP. )All of the focus heroes from this summon have rather useful skills that you may want another unit to inherit. Download. This is really huge because it frees up Lucia's seal slot from Mystic Boost to give her more stats instead. Inflicts an Atk/Res-6 penalty to the foe during combat, if Eitri initiates combat or is not adjacent to an ally. In the world of Fire Emblem Heroes, the harder a weapon’s name is to pronounce, the more powerful it becomes. . Enables 【Canto (2)】during turns 1 through 4. Weapon: Diplomacy Staff. Read on to learn the best IVs (Individual Values), best builds (Inherit Skill), weapon refinement, stats at Lv 40, and more for Morgan (M). This is a ratings and ranking page for the hero Bastian - Crimea's Keystone in Fire Emblem Heroes (FEH). Grants a visible Atk/Spd+X bonus to Heiðr and target ally, where X = number of turns x 2 (max 8). Check out Moonbow, Moonbow's effects, units with Moonbow, as well as Inherit. This gives Celica a lot of offensive power when combined with Ragnarok. Unit can counterattack regardless of foe's range. In order for us to make the best articles possible, share your corrections, opinions, and thoughts about 「Dew Dragonstone: Best Fodder, Best Units to Inherit | Fire Emblem Heroes (FEH)」 with us!. Catherine Skills at 5★. While firing, Lucian may use Relentless Pursuit. Lukas had been known as a massive Def wall for a long time, and now with his Resplendent, he can continue to maintain that title as he now reaches a base Def stat of 40. Restores HP = 25% of damage dealt. ) If Special is triggered during combat, inflicts Special cooldown count+1 and【Guard】 on target and foes within 2 spaces of. This is a ratings and ranking page for the hero Louise - Eternal Devotion in Fire Emblem Heroes (FEH). Lucia is a Swordmaster and the main character of Chapter 2-2; after Chapter 2-2, she is no longer available until part 4, where she is forced into Tibarn's team. All of these skills are powerful and worth inheriting onto your favorite units. Weapon: Flower Lance (+EFF) Taking Sumia's prf lance is a no-brainer - it's what makes her such a good Galeforce support unit. At start of combat, if unit's HP ≥ 25%, grants Atk/Spd/Def/Res+5 to unit during combat and inflicts Spd/Def-X on foe during combat (X = the number of. Pro. If a bonus granted by a skill like Rally or Hone and/or extra movement granted by a skill like Armor March or Armored Boots is active, unit makes guaranteed follow-up attack. . Firelight Lance. Type. Hans brings over his Aurgelmir from Fates and it packs a mean punch in this game. This is a ratings and ranking page for the hero Olivia - Sky-High Dancer in Fire Emblem Heroes (FEH). The FEH tier list has five different tier ranks: S, A, B, C, and D. - checked for new heroes, added Diamant, Citrinne, Alcryst, Eitr, Alear (M). This is a ratings and ranking page for the hero Elincia - Lost Princess in Fire Emblem Heroes (FEH). Become a Member: me on Twitter: Discord:. Takumi. Best Brave Lucina build guides for Fire Emblem Heroes 2023. If unit initiates combat, grants Atk +2 during combat. FEH Hero IVs and Builds IV Tools. Weapon: Falchion is Lucina's weapon of choice. 7 FEH Summon Simulator 8 Important Announcement 9 Spd Smoke 3 10 Fire Emblem Heroes IV Calculator See All. Lucius Skills at 5★. 1/2 next. Skills. Inflicts Atk-6 on foe during combat, if Thórr's HP ≥ 25%. Special Skill. Leaderboards. Special: Fireflood. Accelerates Special trigger (cooldown count-1). Assist: Nudge+. Might: 14 Range: 1. Notify me about new: Guides. The rest of her kit is also valuable, with Rescue+ and Spd/Res Hold being rare skills as well. This is a ratings and ranking page for the hero Fiora - Airborne Warrior in Fire Emblem Heroes (FEH). Now that Never Available Lucia made it to Heroes with a silly slightly op adaptation of her skill, there is no reason to not have. Latest Posts. is a ratings and ranking page for the hero Katarina - Torchlit Wanderer in Fire Emblem Heroes (FEH). Since the crux of this build is centered around support-based skills, your key stats to receive a boon are the ones that trigger them in HP and RES. Business Student & Computer Engineer. LoL Patch 13. Alternatively, if you need Roy to be able to tank more physical attacks, a +Def IV would be a good option as it is. Staff specials. You can now finally see healer special art ingame and listen to their special lines. Memes aside it's straight up Parity, which is funny because Parity was always "discount nihil" in tellius. Check out Galeforce, Galeforce's effects, units with Galeforce, as well as Inherit Skill Information!Gnarly Harmonized Skill, Man. Here you can see how to get Galeforce, a special skill in Fire Emblem Heroes (FEH). Grants Heiðr an additional action (once per turn only). Light's Restraint. ☆ New Units - Diamant, Citrinne, Alcryst, Eitr, Lapis. With the B Skill Desperation, Roy can gain a follow-up attack before the foe has a chance to counterattack. Think carefully before fodderring her off for this skill! List of Source Heroes. Aether Showcases must also include a description of your defense set up. This build requires more investment, but makes Sonia a good tank due to her high stats. 1 Bridal Charlotte 2 Legendary Julia 3 Legendary Azura 4 Legendary Veronica 5 Heiðr (Unit) 6 Fallen Robin (M) 7 Scáthach 8 Edelgard 9 Young Hector 10 Valentine's Alm See All. Restores HP = damage dealt to unit +50% of Atk. Celestial Stones Guide; Guide for Returning Players; Best Units for Abyssal Maps; Trait Fruits: How to Change IVs; Best. This build retains Chrom’s typical defensive playstyle, but instead aims to do so through Speed-stacking to leverage damage reduction-based skills like Spurn. Claude Skills at 5★. Tier 5 units are units that are unfortunately dysfunctional in the game mode due to a mixture of reasons. As an Infantry unit, Lucina has several excellent skills at her disposal such as Spurn, Null C-Disrupt, Lull Atk/Spd, and Flashing Blade. Godlike Reflexes. A higher Spd stat allows Duo Eirika to get a ton of follow-up attacks on her foes. . Noontime heals 30% with a charge time of two, and Sol heals 50% with a charge time of three. Lucina did not appear in this voting event. If an Assist skill is used, unit's Special cooldown count does not go down. This is a ratings and ranking page for the hero Ayra: Astra's Wielder in Fire Emblem Heroes (FEH). We at Game8 thank you for your support. Grants Atk/Spd +5. All active Feh Pass subscribers will get a five-star Lucina: Future Witness during that two week period. He also relies on his special effect refine and/or weapon evolution to score follow-up attacks—another reason why Spd is not much of signifance to him. They even gave her Ultimate's 1v1 damage bonus with that Atk+3!Merges increase the unit's stats, remove their bane, and increase their score in Arena. Assist: Reposition / Swap / Flexible With her Flower Lance's Canto skill, Sumia. There are a LOT of red sword infantry units in Fire Emblem Heroes, and Masked Marth is unfortunately only a drop of blood in this crimson ocean. 1 Initial Stats:Lucina is a Ylissean princess who traveled to the past to save her future. Or keep A B and C skill but give her a special of either GLR or Vital Astra or even Galeforce if you want to cheap out. ☆ New Units - Diamant, Citrinne, Alcryst, Eitr, Lapis. . Silque sits in two spaces of Lucia. Other than that, Feh plays little to no role in the main story, and has only made appearances through mentions of other characters. Attack smoke 3. For heroes that are unused in multiple game modes, we suggest using them. Draconic Aura. Using Chills in B and S because with Lucia ignoring ally drive buffs, I figure it is. 25 per attack damage) physical damage to the first enemy hit. She's gonna be considered invalid before book 8. for Nintendo 3DS and Wii U. Read on to learn the best IVs (Individual Values), best builds (Inherit Skill), weapon refinement, stats at Lv 40, and more for Corrin (M). 7 FEH Summon Simulator 8 Important Announcement 9 Spd Smoke 3 10 Fire Emblem Heroes IV Calculator See All. Read on to learn the best IVs (Individual Values), best builds (Inherit Skill), weapon refinement, stats at Lv 40, and more for Legendary Julia. Instead, she relies on high-damage. Best. 11. News. If unit’s HP > 1 and foe would reduce unit’s HP to 0, unit survives with 1 HP. Unit Showcase posts must be submitted with a description of the build and chosen skills in the body of the post or as a comment made within 15 minutes. Tsubasa. She needs every point of Spd to keep up with the fastest units in the metagame. Grants Atk/Spd/Def/Res+5. I works hard to keep my’s Fire Emblem Heroes builds and guides updated, and will help you craft the best Brave Lucina build for the meta. 7 FEH Summon Simulator 8 Important Announcement 9 Spd Smoke 3 10 Fire Emblem Heroes IV Calculator See All. Byleth (F) Skills at 5★. +SPD: Speed is also a good Asset on Celica, taking her Speed from 33 to 36, helping with Celica’s doubling potential. Runes. Lucina as "Marth" in Fire Emblem Warriors. This guide covers the best Heroes to roll when first starting out in Fire Emblem Heroes (FEH). Updated on July 18th, 2023. 3 Legendary Azura. Learn more about Brave Lucina’s IVs, Stats at Lv 40, Roles, Strengths, and Weaknesses and more. Garm. Being staff user too, Elincia has other ways to get exp anyways. See the list below for the most useful skills from this batch of units. Lilina relies solely on Atk for offense as her Spd is very low so maximizing Atk is a great idea. Value of Skills.